European Patent Application


Filing and Prosecution of European Patent Application -

As an EQE qualified European Patent Attorney, M.Sc. Konstantin Tahtadjiev

provides high-quality counseling and representation in patent cases before the European Patent Office (EPO).

Analysing technological developments and the prior art on which the developments are based often reveals that a number of ingenious inventions seem to be patentable at first glance. However, the preparation of a legally binding European patent application, coupled with the drafting of patent description, patent claims and subsequently acquiring strong exclusive patent rights over the protected invention, usually turn out to be burdensome tasks for the majority of patent applicants and inventors.


The European patent grant procedure is a long-lasting, complicated and exorbitant process, requiring monitoring of numberless deadlines, complying with substantial provisions regulated by the European Patent Convention (EPC) and paying many procedural fees, i.e. filing fees, search fees, claims fees, fees for publication and grant, European patent renewal fees.

How may we help?


We are EQE qualified and thus capable of offering European patent prosecution before the European Patent Office (BPO) in all traditional technical fields, as well as in those of the most recent technologies from mechanics to electronics and telecommunications, from chemistry and pharmaceutics to biotechnology, from the topography of semiconductors to the patent protection of software.


Our identification with the requirements of our clients reveals itself in detail, showing our technical competence and individuality derived from our personality and dedication.

Need assistance?


EQE qualified European Patent & Trademark Attorney  |  Bulgarian Patent & Trademark Attorney

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