Bulgarian Patent Application


Filing and Prosecution of Bulgarian Patent Application - KTpatent.com

As a Bulgarian Patent Attorney with experience in various technological fields

I assist my clients in identifying patentable inventions in all fields of technology and prosecuting them further before the Bulgarian Patent Office (BPO) from the filing stage through the grant stage.

Often innovative and valuable inventions cannot be protected by patent for invention due to misunderstanding and non-compliance with the numberless requirements under the Bulgarian Paten Law. Although granted, the protection conferred on the invention might not be legally binding and thus not protecting owner’s interest due to badly drafted patent claims.


In this case, the close collaboration and personal dialogue between the inventor/applicant and his Bulgarian Patent Attorney is of utmost importance in order to enable him to identify as precisely as possible the main aspects of the technological development of an invention.

We provide qualified counseling and prosecution of applications for Bulgarian patents before the Bulgarian Patent Office (BPO), starting from the very early stage as the drafting of patent specification, through the BG patent grant procedure and finishing with the monitoring and maintaining the obtained patent rights (patent renewals).


As part of our IP strategy and as the case may be, in parallel to the prosecution of the Bulgarian patent application, we may also simultaneously seek protection and apply for a utility model registration in Bulgaria, or if the product has unique aesthetic features that worth protection, for Registration of Bulgarian Industrial Design.

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